Movie Night and My Sweet Boy

Day 9. I am grateful for Deuce's tender heart.

Today was a relatively laidback day until naptime. This morning we had breakfast (waffles), played a little, Justin and I chatted, the kids cleaned up their rooms, ate lunch, and then naptime...

After I got the little ones down for their naps, I took Josie and Deuce with me to run some errands. I needed to make a few returns at and near the mall. Oh, and we stopped first at Culver's for a little snack of cheese curds. I noticed that Deuce's coat was getting too small for him, and while at JCPenney returning a couple Christmas gifts, I saw that they had winter coats on clearance. I ended up getting one for under $22, which was totally covered by the returns I made. Woohoo! Next we went to Kohl's, and I returned Piper's robe (which had a hole in it) and Deuce's (which was too small). Then we started looking for new robes. I found a Star Wars robe for Deuce that fit him better, but unfortunately, they didn't have any in Piper's size. I'm kicking myself for not looking first and then returning, because I could have kept her robe and had someone sew up the hole. But you know what they say about hindsight. Anyway, I made one last stop at Pier1, and by then I had had enough of the whining and the begging and the fighting. Kids are exhausting!

Shortly after we got home, I made dinner (leftovers yay!) and then popcorn for family movie night. I made caramel corn and our favorite, kettlecorn. The whole family, including Carmen, got comfy on the big sectional down in the basement. It was Deuce's turn to pick, and he picked The Iron Giant. I'd watched it years ago, but didn't remember it at all, and Justin had never seen it, nor had the kids. Well, Deuce definitely liked it, and Margo said she did too, but Josie didn't. I actually think she was just upset that she didn't get to pick the movie.

(Now for the "tender heart part"...)
Tonight, while tucking him into bed, Deuce told me again that he liked the movie. He informed me that the part with the deer was not his favorite (there's a scene where a deer gets shot). He said that it almost made him cry. And then he said, with teary eyes, "I'm not going to think about it anymore!" And he kind of buried his head under his blankets. So, I snuggled with him and talked to him a little bit about the circle of life, and tried to help him understand that hunters (human or otherwise) aren't (usually) bad. He drives me bonkers sometimes, but he really is such a sweet, thoughtful little boy. I love him!

After I got Deuce prayed for and tucked in, I read a chapter in Josie's "Seven Year Old Wonder Book" to her and Margo. It's pretty standard for her to fall asleep while I read, which doesn't bother me at all. In fact, I kind of like it.

Margo was a bit more of a handful, and Piper, at 11:00, is still awake. Like I said, kids are exhausting!
