A New Route

Day 42. I am thankful for a new route to school.

Justin and I have basically decided that Milwaukee Parkside School for the Arts is the school all four of our kids will go to up through eighth grade, barring any serious issues. We really like the teachers so far, and the school seems like a really good one overall. The one negative is the drive. It's only 10-15 minutes away, but it's a lot of stopping and going. Becher, the street that I normally took is busy and pretty narrow. So much so that two cars can't drive in opposite directions at the same time. But it just seemed like the most direct and fastest route.

Until my wise (and handsome) husband informed me of a better way! He suggested taking Oklahoma Ave, which I agreed would be a smoother drive, but I was concerned about turning left into the school, since there's no light, and the traffic is pretty constant. (This is a very boring blog post, I know. lol) Then Justin told me that it isn't a problem, because he turns left into the alley, which goes right into the school parking lot!

So I tried the new route the last couple of days, and it is so much less stressful! Considering that I will be making this drive approximately 2,420 more times in the next several years, I need a route that is fast, smooth, and less likely to cause a wreck or a nervous breakdown. And I've found it. Woohoo!
