
I just finished my most recent blog post about five minutes ago. Did you like it? What? You didn't read it? It was really long. I titled it "Almost Perfection." It was about the wonderful day I had yesterday. It took me over an hour to write it. What do you mean it's not there?

Oh right. Because I got an error on the page, and even after saving my work, I still lost it all. Such a bummer! Oh well...

Anyway, here's a quick rundown of what I wrote.

* Went to church.
* Went to Possibility Playground in Port Washington. It's awesome.
* Culver's is expensive.
* The weather was PERFECT.
* I have really great friends.
* Joe and Aaron make a cute "couple."
* My kids had a blast.
* I treated myself to a coffee frappuccino.
* God is good!

And that's the abridged version of my wonderful day! ;0)
