Another Month

Another month has gone by. I really don't have any good excuses for not blogging other than life has been going on. But to be clear, life is wonderful.

I was planning on not going into details about the last month, but I can't help myself. Get ready for a whole lot of gratefulness! I won't go into too much detail. So, without further ado, April 15 - May 12. And then, since there's more to talk about, I'll post this past weekend in a separate blog post.

Day 106. Dinner at the Prices'.

We spent several hours over at David and Angie's house. We had a yummy Italian dinner and great conversation while all the kids had a blast playing upstairs.

Day 107. Our future garden.

After Josie's swim lessons, I spent almost the entire day outside tilling the ground and pulling weeds. I got a lot accomplished, and I earned a sunburn!

Day 108. Kayla's Playground.

After church, I was supposed to meet some friends at a new park in Franklin, but due to unforeseen circumstances, the kids and I ended up playing alone. It was a nice park, but I probably won't rush back since it was so busy.

Day 109. Morning Park Date.

I met several friends and their kiddos at Konkel Park for a morning play date. It was nice to sit and catch up with them. And the weather was beautiful!

Day 110. Chasing a giggly Piper.

When I go back to remind myself what happened each day I look at texts, voxes, and Instagram. I posted a video of Piper running away from me, giggling on this day. You probably saw it. Otherwise, I have no idea what happened that day.

Day 111. Josie and Deuce had a sleepover, because they're best buds.

Day 112. MOBs.

I hosted MOBs again, and as usual, it was wonderful. There's a new woman in the group this year, and it's been really awesome seeing her faith grow! Plus, there was a hilarious incident involving a recliner and a flying cell phone.

Day 113. Movie at home with my hubby.

I know we watched a movie, but I really have no clue what we watched. I probably fell asleep too.

Day 114. Actually her name is Antrea.

I'm referring to the mom I've been talking to during Josie's swim lesson. We exchanged phone numbers, so now we can text each other throughout the week. She's so nice!

Day 115. I love my church.

I really do. We are so happy and blessed to be there.

Day 116. Moring with Jackie and the girls.

The girls and I went to a park near my friend, Jackie's house and had a nice short play date.

Day 117. After school play date with the Fischers.

Josie had requested to go over to Alayna and Actston's house, and that's just what we did on this Monday after school. The kids played while Apryl and I sat in the kitchen chatting. I'm really happy for them, because they recently bought a new house!

Day 118. Margo and Savanna.

I took a picture of Margo and Savanna coloring together (posted on Instagram), and I just love how they are such good friends. It's actually really great how close all of our kids are with the Price kids. Deuce and Owen get along great, as do Josie and Daniela. Piper usually tags along with Margo and Savanna, since Oliver is too little to play to just yet.

Day 119. Where Was God? documentary.

For whatever reason, I decided to watch a documentary about the Moore, Oklahoma tornado. I thought it was really good. I cried.

Day 120. Birthday party in a barn.

Justin and I were invited to his coworker/friend's 50th birthday party. Raven babysat, while Justin enjoyed a night out. The party was in a really awesome and interesting barn. There were lots of mounted animals/heads and other interesting décor, tons of couches, a pool table, an oversized Jenga game, a bar, and a live band performed.

Day 121. Dinner with the Iwinskis.

Joey, Mehgan and the kids came over for dinner. I made tandoori chicken, which was delicious. As usual, the kids all played, and the grownups talked. We appreciate their friendship a lot!

Day 122. Nursery and Clean up.

I ended up helping out in the nursery today during church. I was in a helpful mood, so after service I washed the dishes (mostly coffee cups) and started sweeping. Angie later sent me a text thanking me for all my help. It really was my pleasure.

Day 123. Betty Brinn.

The littles and I spent the morning at Betty Brinn Children's Museum. We have a membership, and it was the first time we'd used it. I think they had a pretty good time, although it would've been better with friends.

Day 124. Play date at Humbolt Park.

The weather was a little weird - perfect when the sun was out and chilly when it hid behind the clouds - but we had a really lovely time with several friends at Humboldt Park. Let's see, Sam, Ally, Bri, Marie and Angie were all there.

Day 125. Affordable car insurance.

Justin and I just saved a bunch of money on our car insurance. haha

Day 126. Chocolate Chip cookies and communion.

Thursday night church and Cinco de Mayo. So, naturally we had tacos. I made chocolate chip cookies. David and Angie were both out of town, so they trusted me to handle communion. Thank goodness it's about the condition of our hearts, and not the exact liturgy. Even though it technically wasn't unleavened, we used a tortilla for communion since we were out of matza! I just shared some pertinent scriptures and prayed. After that we turned some music on and we all found our own space to pray. Turns out it was National Day of Prayer.

Day 127. Breakfast with Sarah, new glasses, teacher appreciation, and two parks.

I had a nice morning with my friend Sarah. We got breakfast at Cudahy Pancake House, which was quite yummy. Then we walked over to the Cudahy Library, where she kept an eye on the kiddos while I ran up to the eye doctor to pick up my new glasses. After that the kids and I ran some errands to pick up gifts for Josie and Deuce's teachers (gift card to Odd Duck and treats), we grabbed some lunch and then went to Humboldt Park until school let out. Then we picked up the kids, and went to West Milwaukee Park! Although, it was really hot, so we didn't stay long.

Day 128. Our flowering crabapple tree is blooming.

It's pretty. That's all I got. Sorry.

[Update] I remembered that I made a point to get the whole house cleaned from top to bottom, and made the kids help me. I made a checklist of all the rooms, and we spent the day helping each other clean up. I wanted to make sure that Mother's Day was as relaxing as possible. The reward for a clean house was a game and a movie with the whole family. We played the ThinkFun Roll and Play game again. The kids love it, and Piper was really getting into it! Later we watched Astro Boy and munched on some popcorn. It was a very productive and family oriented day!

Day 129. Mother's Day.

Justin made omelets for breakfast. Josie also made me an adorable book and Deuce made a pretty little painting. At church, I got a rose and an aloe plant. Oh yeah, and I got plates from the kids and pansies today.

Day 130. Coffee and conversations.

I met for coffee with Kim and Marie to talk about the future of MOBs. It was a good chat. Kim is going to come back and lead the discussions, which I'm happy about. Afterward, we went over to Marie's to see how much she's done to their new house since I last saw it. I ended up staying really late talking.

Day 131. An impromptu visit.

David stopped by unexpectedly to say hello and give hugs. He was right down the street, and couldn't drive by without stopping in for a minute. That was awesome that he took the time to do that.

Day 132. A new guest.

On Wednesday, Justin went out with one of the guys from church, so  I had one of the ladies from church over for dinner. She's single and lives with a roommate, so I figured she'd enjoy an evening with me and my four rambunctious children. They loved having her, and couldn't wait to show her the whole house. "Jessica look at this!" "Jess come see my room!" etc. It was nice sitting and chatting with her, getting to know her a little better. She's a 3rd grade teacher in a pretty rough school, and this is her first year. So, things are a bit rough for her right now.

Day 133. Soup and sweets.

Thursday night was interesting. Apparently no one knew what to bring, so everyone brought dessert. Except me. I made chicken soup, thinking it was soup and salad theme. So yeah, lots of sugar.

Also, I led Bible study. I talked about being a vessel for honor. I spent a lot of time studying and preparing for it, and I think everyone was blessed by it. The gist is that we need to be empty of ourselves so Jesus can fill us up with Himself. And then we need to pour out Jesus to others. And as we pour out, Jesus fills us up continually. When that happens, we bring God glory.
